Written by Jessica on Sunday, August 31, 2008

34- 10

R O L L T I D E ! !

4 i *heart* comments!:

Meredith said...

ROLL TIDE!!! I love the one where Tucker is like Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

these are to cute i think brayden is like me he is saying on no football love you mom hope all of them are feeling betteer

Jessica said...

I know! Tucker was having a great photo shoot! Brayden, not so much and Carter, clueless. = )

Thanks mom, they're okay, but still not feeling great. May have to call the doc again in the a.m.



Lani said...

oh, the cuteness!!
And way to go on the cloth diapers:) I was afraid to use them at night but I've never ever had a leak with the BumGenius. (Happy Heiny's- lots of leaks!)