Written by Jessica on Sunday, June 07, 2009
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So glad it's over! I sure hope next week brings healthier, happier boys!

The boys have a bad tummy bug. I will spare you the details. Just know it's BAD. I've made a significant investment over the past 2 weeks in Pedialyte, Huggies, and Lysol. The boys have been in pretty good spirits, despite their condition. They've been a little lethargic, falling asleep at odd times and places. They've also been a little more needy, which I kinda like, but it get's hard with three - four needy boys. Taylor has had the bug twice now, this last bout was worse than the first one for him. I would rather have 6 little sick ones than 1 older. He was pitiful!

Brayden keeps breaking out in a weird rash. It's mainly on his thighs and arms, with a few whelps on his face; none on his tummy or back. We thought we had in narrowed down to the food dye in the pedialyte and Gatorade (yellow 6); but he's still getting it even though we've removed yellow 6 from his diet. Benedryl makes it go away in about 30-60 minutes. No clue what's causing it now. They are all on the B.R.A.T. diet pretty much, with nothing new. ???

Despite being sick, the boys are still pulling their weight around the house though.

Unpacking groceries:

Helping with Sunday dinner

Gotta get a little play time in too:

Our first harvest from the garden!


6 i *heart* comments!:

Jen said...

First time here but I was wondering if the rash could be from the carpet, since his belly and back are usually covered by a shirt, like in the photo above it. Maybe he has an allergy to the carpet shampoo, or something being brought in on shoes or feet? Just a thought, I hope it helps!

Jessica said...

Thanks Jen! We don't wear our shoes in, so I wouldn't think it'd be anything from that... but ya never know! Luckily we've been 2 days now with no rash - so maybe whatever is was is out of his system now!

Lani said...

Hope everybody's feeling better now! And what a cool pool!! Thanks for your link about the gardening tips- very helpful!!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Thanks for coming by my blog! You have a busy house! Your boys are all adorable. Hope they are feeling better ;)

Jessica said...

Hey! Cooper has a rash just like that and they said it was eczema. First they told us to try cortisone cream and lotrimin mixed together...that didn't work so they prescribed us something...and I can't remember the name of it right now! I'll send it to you tomorrow!

amanda said...

Chloe had that same rash on her legs and arms she did have it on her stomach and benadryl helped too, but Dr told me to try zyrtec and it never came back...not yet anyway! She got this after a week of fever and not eating, then the next week she had vomiting and diarrhea so we are unsure exactly what may have caused it.