Written by Jessica on Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Another girl in the house.

I never thought I'd have another baby.

But, alas, she is here!

She is such a surprise.

Another perfect and equally shocking gift from my loving husband.

She is beautiful.

Her name is Olivia.

Some of you may know that Carter Edward (our first born triplet) was going to be named Olivia Grace (to be called Livi-Grace) until we discovered that he wasn't a girl after all.

She's a little stubborn and hard to get along with at times.

We're still in the bonding stages; learning and exploring one another. I still have so much to learn about her.

I get so frustrated and I'm ready to give up on her, then she shows me something old in such a new, beautiful light and she's won me back just like that.

Would you like to meet her?


Here she is:

and she came with this too.

Pretty awesome, huh?

lots and lots of pictures to come, of course!

2 i *heart* comments!:

Anonymous said...

YOU ALMOST GOT ME............... YOU BAD GIRL THATS NOT GOOD FOR A OLD LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica said...

lol! That's why I couldn't tell you about it, I knew you would think about me being sick lately before you figured it out!!