Written by Jessica on Monday, July 14, 2008

I've stumbled upon this neat little tool. It's on the right side of this post, and it will allow you to enter your email address and receive email updates each time I add a new post. I'm guilty of sporadical posts, so this will alert you as to when I've found time to get one out here. I'd love to fit this into my schedule and have time set aside at least twice a week. I mean, laundry, feeding babies, baths, dishes, dinner, cleaning bathrooms, etc. all have a place, why can't I set aside time for blogging? Well, while I ponder this idea, here's a quick fix until I figure out how to do that.

It's really quick, easy, and of course, free. Just enter your email address, the next step asks how you want it sent (default is email), then go to your inbox and click on the feedblitz email and verify that you received the email by clicking a link in the message. That's it! If for any reason you ever get tired of getting the emails, you can "unsubscribe" with one click of your mouse.

As for new news with us... I'm sick and feel horrible. I'm pretty sure the boys are getting sick too. Figures! Just as we start trying to get them to sleep through the night they get sick! I mean, bless their hearts, my poor babies. As far as the boys sleeping through night - still a pipe dream. The first night they slept for close to 6 hours, since then, we've been lucky to get 2-3 hours at a time. It's been really hard and frustrating. At least before they were on a schedule, but hopefully before too much longer, we'll have an even better schedule... One that doesn't involve midnight and 4am feedings!

Alright, I'm off to try to rest for a little while. The babies are napping and Taylor, well, I may lock him outside for a while...Just kidding. I'll lock him in his room. = )

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