Written by Jessica on Monday, September 28, 2009

We had a busy, busy weekend. Since Taylor started football about a month ago we haven't slowed down. Wade's the head coach and I'm the team mom; between that and trying to keep up with school and the boys, it's pretty crazy around here. And as crazy as it seems, we've figured out that we can swing a season of basketball (per Taylor's request) in between football and spring baseball so the craziness continues...

The boys got new shoes...again. Man their feet grow fast! Each time they walk like they're wearing moon boots and they struggle with them at first. Carter usually does pretty good and Tuck always melts down. I took the boys out to the front yard to break in their shoes and get their minds off of them BY MYSELF because I am CERTIFIABLY INSANE and they all instantly ran down the hill towards the road. It was awful. It was literally like herding cats. AWFUL! From now on, we're sticking with the fenced in back yard. I took them to the front because we have an equally wild Jack Russell in the back yard. But I'll take a crazy dog and three wild men fenced in over no fence and no dog any day!

Ready to go!

Mamaw got the boys some Baby Einstein plates and spoons. Before last night they've always only eaten off the table. Since we had them I decided to try them out. I was pleasantly surprised that we only had 1 plate dumped and thrown, although he did it several times. Not to name any names, Brayden Michael.

All the boys have been playing with the football a lot since we've been footballin' it up so much lately. Last night, Taylor was practicing snapping the ball and Carter got down beside him, balanced on his head looking between his legs. ..so dang cute, but no camera!

My 2 favorite teams stats:

Smiths Station BUCS: 1-1



Written by Jessica on Monday, September 21, 2009
Categories: ,

Here are some pictures from Taylor's first football game. They played the 'best' team in the league and I think the final score was something like 38-0. We play them again on Thursday, hopefully it won't be quite as bad. Regardless of the score, the boys were so cute out there!

When we're not on the football field, we're performing dare devil stunts at home.

It's been raining lots lately too, but football goes on in the rain, so we've adapted..

Coach Carter blowing Daddy's whistle.

The boys playing on the wet playground while big bubba was at practice.

Look at what the humidity does to Tucker's hair.

I decided to try on their leashes child safety restraints this week. We're practicing around the house before I try to go off with them. The only issue we're having right now is that when they want to stop walking, they sit and refuse to go, scream and cry, and throw big kicking fits. What will I do if all 3 decide they're not walking anymore at once? I may only be able to use these when I have backup....

..again, dare devil stunts. Here we're waiting on Big Bubba to get home.

They each have their own ride on toy, but they insist on fighting over one.

Written by Jessica on Monday, September 14, 2009

Taylor had a great 7th birthday last weekend. Here are some pictures in reverse-random order.

Brayden pulling Tucker around:

...until he saw me take a picture, then he ran after me.

Rachel playing the 'Bozo Bucket' game:

Carter, catching up on a little light reading after the party:

Future Bama Quarterback:

Blowing out the candles:

Candy apples! So yummy and sticky!

Opening some presents:

Friends and Family:

Tater Sack race:

"Pin the Nose on the Clown"

Rachel managed to knock down only the bottom can:

The boys enjoyed the games too.

Written by Jessica on Friday, September 04, 2009

wow! Days are going by too fast! I've been telling everyone that asks (even today) that my boys are 'almost' 16 months old. Or saying on the 3rd they'll be 16 months. I didn't realize until I got an email from my mom telling me to update my blog today that the boys turned 16 months YESTERDAY!

So, here's what's been going on with us.

Taylor started football for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Wade's the coach and I'm team mom. It's a lot of work for both of us, but we both realize how fortunate we are to have the flexibility in our schedules to be able to take on such duties. Taylor is learning a lot and very into it. Although it's taken him a few times getting tackled to the ground to realize it's nothing personal. Then it's taken a few times of him tackling head first to realize that's not the best way. But, all in all, so far 7-8 youth football has been a great experience for us all.

We're also both super excited about college football season! We got our first dose last night and Alabama will play tomorrow night. I'm a little nervous about this first game against Virginia Tech at the Dome, I hope we can come out on top. After that, it should be smooth sailing for the Crimson Tide this year {in my opinion}.

Taylor's doing very well in school, still high above the class average in testing and whatnot. His only complaint is that he's not being challenged enough. Although I feel that as the year goes on and the 'review' stage of 1st grade is complete, he will definitely be challenged. I know it's too early to tell, but it looks like we're going to have a math whiz on our hands. He's doing lots of math in his head all the time now, even multiplication tables! I started multiplication in 3rd grade and I still have flash backs to all the hours and tears shed while trying to learn them. Math didn't come so easy for me back then.

We've been busy planning Taylor's 7th birthday carnival. I can't believe he's turning 7 on Sunday. He asked for the carnival again this year, and I agreed since we already had everything for it, but we're going a little lower key than last year. These birthday parties wear me out! I also recently decided that after not running/biking/seriously exercising in years that I would jump into all all head first. I now have a badly sprained ankle, a hurt and bruised knee and ego, and a sore body. That, my friends, is not helpful when you have 3 little ones running around, football practice 3-4 days a week, and 2 parties to plan and prepare for.

The boys turned 16 months yesterday {I now know this thanks to mom}. They didn't really start doing anything new in the past month.... I don't think... They're as silly as ever and so much fun! We're getting over a little head cold and Brayden is recuperating from an ear infection that the cold caused. Other than that, nothing new.

I'll post some new pictures soon and their 15 month stats!