Written by Jessica on Saturday, May 31, 2008

Busy, busy, busy. My days fly by so fast now and I still feel as though I get nothing done. Aside, of course, from changing diapers, feeding babies, washing tons of baby cloths and bottles, and answering Taylor's many many questions. Wait a minute, as a mother of 4, what else am I supposed to do? = ) I guess all is good.
Taylor's done with his spring golf program. He had a lot of fun and certainly learned a lot. This is the first year he's been old enough to understand and take instruction. Hopefully we can keep this up and not have to start all over next year.

He's just started his summer karate program. In just a few classes he's learned a lot about both form and discipline. Wade's hoping it helps with his flexibility for sports. I'm hoping he picks up on the respect and discipline portion.

Here he is showing off some of his new moves...

On May 22, Taylor graduated from Pre-K. Taylor and his class did so good showing all that they had learned throughout the year. Taylor had a solo part, counting to 100. I am so proud of him. He has vacation bible school next week then to save a little money on tuition he's going to stay home with me and the boys for a while. He starts Kindergarten on August 6th.

Taylor's certainly enjoying the summer weather. He LOVES being outside. Here he is with Madilyn, whom he refers to on occasion as his "girlfriend."

As for baby news, they are 4 weeks old TODAY. I can't believe it! We went to the dr. this past Monday, here are their latest stats:
Carter - 19.75" - 6lbs 13oz - 13.5"head
Brayden - 18.5" - 6lbs 13oz - 13.5"head (short and chunky)
Tucker - 20" - 6lbs 7oz - 13" head (long and skinny)
They are all doing surprisingly well. Eating more and wanting more than the doctors are allowing.
Our Little Piglets with full bellies. Thanks Aunt Sandy for the cute outfits!

We took our first trip in the stroller today. The boys slept; Wade and I broke a sweat!

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