Hey there! This is Heather Jones from Everyday Lettering! Thanks so much for entering the giveaway on Little Birdie Secrets. I’m offering an incentive for those who entered. If you place an order on or before December 9th, you will get .25 off per letter! E-mail me at joyphotographybyheather@gmail.com if you are interested. And remember if you need your order before Christmas it must be ordered and paid for by December 10th! Thanks again!
My husband, Wade, and I started dating in 1999. In 2002 we married and had our first son, Taylor. Taylor was a full term 8lb 10oz baby. Fast foward to 2008, we had BBB triplets born at 34.4 weeks. They weighed 4lbs 13oz, 4lbs 14 oz, and 5lbs 5oz.
This blog dates back to week we went to the doctor for a routine 12 week ultrasound appointment and were given the wonderful, shocking, life altering, news that we were expecting triplets. It's been an incredible journey! Welcome!
1 i *heart* comments!:
Hey there! This is Heather Jones from Everyday Lettering! Thanks so much for entering the giveaway on Little Birdie Secrets. I’m offering an incentive for those who entered. If you place an order on or before December 9th, you will get .25 off per letter! E-mail me at joyphotographybyheather@gmail.com if you are interested. And remember if you need your order before Christmas it must be ordered and paid for by December 10th! Thanks again!
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